I am an enthusiastic graphic designer, I have been fortunate to explore various design practices and perspectives, from intercultural to decolonized design, as I have transitioned from China to America.

Currently, I am pursuing my second master's degree in the Design and Environmental Analysis program at Cornell University. I invite you to join me in my world of design and photography utopia.

Linghao Li |李凌昊
MA Design in D+EA ‘24 
MA Graphic Design and Visual Experience ‘22
BFA Visual Communication Design ‘16
Cornell University|SCAD|TAFA
+ 1 912-391-7213 | ll933@cornell.edu
Behance / Instagram / Linkedin / Mail

Design Works
Photography Works
Research Topic
About Myself

Graphic design isn't just a profession for me; it's a fervent passion. While I may not be able to pinpoint a singular 'design style' that defines me, I take pride in my prowess in illustration, my affinity for font design, and my meticulous approach to typesetting. The entire design process, from conception to realization, brings me immense joy.

Having received the most structured and comprehensive design education in China, coupled with diverse professional experiences, I thought I had a firm grasp on the design world. However, when I set foot in the United States in the summer of 2019, I was introduced to a radically different design education paradigm. This shift prompted introspection: What, at its core, is design? A question so fundamental, yet one that I found myself grappling with, despite it having been posed and answered myriad times before. This existential design quandary propelled me towards the scholarly realm of design research. While I may still be searching for that elusive answer, my unwavering faith in the transformative power of design remains intact. Welcome to my envisioned design utopia.

SongGuang Font - a Mongolian Font Design
Lucky Love - an Information Design
Entangled- an interactive exhibit proposal
Daily “AI” Poster
My Powerpuff - a Typography work
One Time, One Memory, One Story
Martian Language - a Typography work
Please Stop Stealing Sheep
The Perfect Human
Hello World - a Themed Exhibition
Wish You a Happy New Year
HARBIN Architectural Forest
The Apotheosizing Tales of Mine
Oi! Matcha - An Illustration Design
Love’s Poison - a Lable Design
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Illustertion Collection II
Tarot in Y2K
Illustration Collection I
Daily Poster Exercise
More Case



  • 10/2018

    I am a big fan of a famous TV dating show, but not until I myself participated the show did I find the connection between a dating show and infographic design as well as its importance. So I started this project in the hope of helping people who are interested in this show.

 When I was participating the show, I met the crew of the entire program and all actors/actresses, making conversation and observation. After the show was aired, I continued to record and collect relevant information from it in the following seven months.
The website of this TV show, and I showed up at the fortieth minute.

For the people who are not familiar with this show, they could find some interesting facts which may become the reasons for watching the show. For those who have been watching the show, my infographic design could reveal another side of the show which is unknown to them. More importantly, the prospective participants could be able to avoid some unnecessary troubles with the help of my design, so that they could increase their chances of successful dating.

Final, after testing various options, the team settled on lottery tickets as the best medium for the final design.

At the same time I prepared portrait illustrations as gifts for the female guests of this show. You can find out more about this reality TV show in this link.